On 19/09/2021 05:49, David Wright wrote:
On Sat 18 Sep 2021 at 21:56:34 (+0100), piorunz wrote:
On 18/09/2021 20:00, David Wright wrote:
A lot of hits from googling grub colemak including
which uses dvorak as an example.
Thanks for your reply.
Yes I seen this page.
ckbcomp dvorak command outputs the layout details and everything.
$ ckbcomp colemak
/usr/bin/ckbcomp: Can not find file "symbols/colemak" in any known directory
I don't recall the definition of "boot time password". Does this
denote something that Grub asks, or is it when dmcrypt is running
from the initrd?
By that I meant GRUB editor and Debian's standard whole disk encryption
in Debian. I don't have Colemak there. I need to enter password in
Colemak. Yes, I think that's called dmcrypt.
Which is a reminder: is your keyboard definition
in /etc/default/keyboard getting incorporated into the initrd or not?
I don't know that. I only have Colemak in KDE. Everything else,
including virtual terminals (Ctrl+Alt+F keys) are Qwerty.
How do you normally login, at a VC or in a Display Manager?
I login to KDE login screen. Actually I have clean Debian 11 with KDE.
No modifications to system.
Where did you run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" from?
I run it from Konsole.
Have you seen this line:
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.19.0-17-amd64
since you changed /etc/default/keyboard and ran
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration?
No. sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration asked questions, and
didn't generated any output in terminal. I actually run this command
several times now, with reboots, and no change. in
keyboard-configuration menu itself, Colemak is selected,
/etc/default/keyboard file also is all correct, but I don't have Colemak
at dm-crypt password time, nor in virtual consoles (Ctrl+Alt+F keys).
Checking your current initrd is a little tedious: you run
unmkinitramfs to unpack the initrd, and you zcat your
/etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz to, say, /tmp.
unmkinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r) initramfs/
Then run, eg:
$ diff -u …/main/etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap
~/initramfs/main/etc$ ls
default fonts fstab ld.so.cache ld.so.conf ld.so.conf.d lvm mdadm
modprobe.d mtab nsswitch.conf os-release passwd plymouth udev
There is no console-setup folder in unpacked initramfs folder.
$ diff -u …/main/etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap
diff: …/main/etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap: No such file or
diff: /tmp/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap: No such file or directory
$ apt-file search cached_UTF-8_del.kmap
(no results here)
With kindest regards, Piotr.
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