hi Andrei,

Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> writes:

thank you for your answer.

> On Sb, 11 sep 21, 18:55:56, Felix Natter wrote:
>> hello fellow Debian users,
>> I have an SSD for the root filesystem, and two HDDs using RAID1 for
>> /storage running Debian10. Now I need a plan B in case the upgrade
>> fails.
>> So I made an experiment with a VM and rougly the same setup (disk-wise),
>> and found out that when reinstalling Debian11, the d-i does recognize
>> the RAID1 (/storage) and can reuse it while keeping the data.
> Careful here! You can tell d-i to not format an existing partition, but 
> if you want to use it as the root partition the new system will probably 
> be installed in the same file structure as your other data.
> Is this what you're considering?

No, the RAID1 is for /storage, the root filesystem (which I intend to
format) is on a separate SSD.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Felix Natter

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