On Thu 16 Sep 2021 at 21:48:55 -0600, Charles Curley wrote:

> On Thu, 16 Sep 2021 19:46:43 -0300
> Dedeco Balaco <dedeco.bal...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Why am i unable to start a new discussion? I have sent 4 messages!
> > They have one attachment that is less than 150KiB - so, they are not
> > considered big, for the list, right?
> I consider 150 KiB to be monstrous.
> Have you tried sending a short message with no attachment?

Dedeco Balaco already has two short messages showing in this thread.
That indicates he has the ability to start a new discussion.

However, a new discussion should be started in a *new* thread, not
plonked willy-nilly into an existing thread. This is the second time
recently that someone has done that. The first time it involved  an
experienced user!

To take this thread further off-topic: there can be a good reason to
send an attachment; for example, a log. Compression would reduce its
size and is advised.


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