On 9/15/2021 6:45 AM, Brian wrote > I was also rather hoping Tanstaafl would contribute a few words on how > the unstable model contrasts with Gentoo's rolling release model.
Well, it's been many years, but basically, you could select what 'branch' you were on using keywords (stable, testing, etc), and could override at the package level if desired. It worked really well, and was mostly problem free. Of course there were a few major changes that caused a bit of pain, but the situations were well documented, and as long as you were careful, very rarely did anything actually ever break. The most pain would happen to those who didn't keep things updated regularly. I'm probably going to do a clean install of both, and play around a bit before deciding... Although, for Debian you've already convinced me not to use SID, and just go with stable. Thanks to all who responded!