On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 10:58:26AM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> 6) After that year, the release goes into "long-term support" mode, and
>    received security bug fix support from a different team.  The LTS
>    team may choose to support only server packages, not desktop packages.
A slight correction: the LTS team supports all the packages that were
part of the stable release, with a few specific exceptions.  For
example, if the Security Team declared a particular package unsupported
during the time the release was stable, the package remains unsupported
[*].  Occasionally, similar action is taken regarding a package that
can no longer be supported by the team.  For instance, this happend with
enigmail [0].

That said, any Debian system, whether running old-old-old-stable or
unstable, can make use of the debian-security-support package for
current information regarding the support status of any packages
installed on the system (or any particular package, whether or not
installed on the system).



[*] This happened some time ago with MySQL because of Oracle's policy
around CPUs and their refusal to assist distro teams with backporting
security-specific fixes.

[0] https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts-announce/2019/02/msg00002.html

Roberto C. Sánchez

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