Book.cpp:1:10: fatal error: Set: No existe el fichero o el directorio

I trying compile an example of a book.

The program use three classes: Book, Customer and Library.


#include <set>#include <map>#include <string>#include <map>#include
<fstream>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;

    #include "book.h"
    #include "customer.h"
    #include "library.h"

    // default constructor
     // Empty

    Book::Book(const string& author, const string& title)
            // empty
    // methods
    // They only read and write the author and title of the book
    void Book::read(ifstream& inStream){

    void Book::write(ofstream& outStream) const{
        outStream << m_author << endl;
        outStream << m_title << endl;

    /* When a customer reserves a book, the pointer to the customer
     * Object is added to the reservation pointer list of the book */
    int Book::reserveBook(Customer* borrowerPtr){
        return m_reservationPtrList.size();

    /* When a customer returns a book, we simply set m_borrowerPtr to nullptr*/
    void Book::returnBook(){
        m_borrowerPtr = nullptr;

    /* the removeReservation method simply removes the customer
     * pointer from the reservation list*/
    void Book::removeReservation(Customer* customerPtr){

    /* the output stream operator writes the title and author, the
customer that has borrowed the book, and the customers that have
reserved the book */
    ostream& operator << (ostream& outStream, const Book& book){
        outStream << """ << book.m_title << "" by " << book.m_author;

            outStream << endl << " Borrowed by: "
                << Library::s_customerMap[book.m_customerId].name()
                << ".";

            outStream << endl << " Reserved by: ";

            bool first = true;
            for(int customerId : book.m_reservationList){
                outStream << (first ? "" : ",")
                    << Library::s_customerMap[customerId].name();
                first = false;

            outStream << ".";

        return outStream;



class Customer;
class Book {
        Book(const string& author,const string& title);

        const string& author() const{return m_author;}
        const string& title() const{return m_title;}

        void read(ifstream& inStream);
        void write(ofstream& outStream) const;

        int reserveBook(Customer* customerPtr);
        void removeReservation(Customer* customerPtr);
        void returnBook();

        /*borrowedPtr method returns the address of the customer who
has borrowed the book*/
        Customer*& borrowerPtr() {return m_borrowerPtr;}
        const Customer* borrowerPtr() const {return m_borrowerPtr;}

        /* reservationPtrList returns a list of customer pointers
instead of integer values*/
        list<Customer*>& reservationPtrList(){
            return m_reservationPtrList;

        const list<Customer*> reservationPtrList() const{
            return m_reservationPtrList;

        friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& outStream, const Book& book);

        string m_author, m_title;

        Customer* m_borrowerPtr = nullptr;

        /* holds a list of pointers to the customers that have
reserved the book*/
        list <Customer*> m_reservationPtrList;

When i compile the example with the following command:

g++ -g -Wall  Book.cpp book.h -o book

The result expected is bad.

Book.cpp:1:10: fatal error: Set: No existe el fichero o el directorio
 #include <Set>
compilation terminated.

This example was tested from another compiler. The library is not

*The book is C++17 By Example, published by Packt.*

With kindest regards, William.

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