On Mon, Sep 06, 2021 at 04:46:21PM -0300, Dedeco Balaco wrote:
> If it is trivial to me setting my mail manager to use the dark
> background i need, and to make it ignore the (usually default)
> background of color of all HTML messages, why the people in Debian User
> list cannot do it? I will not change my setting! I need it. Learn to
> deal with it.

Many people will "deal with it" by deleting your messages and moving
on.  Just so you know.

For me, your messages seem OK.  Mutt is presenting me with readable
text.  I don't know what other people are seeing.  However, if you're
intentionally flaunting the guidelines and standards that make mailing
lists work, you can expect a smaller audience for your requests.

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