On 9/5/21, Intense Red <intns...@golgotha.net> wrote:
>> In /root/.bashrc I use this to give a red prompt including host and
>> full path followed by a new line.
>    I take this idea a bit further, setting a longer prompt and setting
> workstation hosts for specific colors for user logins, and then doing a red
> prompt for servers.
>    Part of my ~/.bashrc:
> # Set the hostname to a specific color
> HostName=`hostname -s`
> if [ $HostName = "capncrunch" ]; then
>    HostColor="\[\033[1;36m\]" # Bright Cyan
< lots of snip for brevity >
> # Then we need to export them so the shell picks things up.
> export PS1 LS_COLORS
>    That's worth playing with to change some of the default settings if one
> wants to play with the colors of a terminal (I use KDE's "konsole" rather
> than
> xterm, but it's the same idea.

That's cool. I did play with it last night as my normal user. I'm
going to leave it for now as a reminder to personalize it more. I've
seen very similar in some operating system somewhere but never stopped
to pursue how it was accomplished. Maybe it was even for a different
terminal (emulator) from Debian's repositories.

Its first tweak needs to address that it renders the tab "Title" as
"Untitled window". I've tried a few times over the years to alter that
via "Edit > Preferences > General (tab)" in xfce4-terminal, but it
never stuck. It would always reverse back each time a terminal window
was fully closed. I could see putting something under (dot)bashrc
along with this other as being more geeky fun.

PS I just plugged it in under root after going back above and reading
from the original snippets. I'm really liking that blinking reminder
as to where one is. That might be just what I've always wanted to
cognitively distinguish between chroot and root terminal tabs. That's
been a worry quite often over time. Thank you!

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

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