On Sat 28 Aug 2021 at 10:34:34 (-0500), Richard Owlett wrote:
> During the partitioning phase of the install process, the user is
> given the option of creating dedicated partitions. I chose to do it
> for /home and swap {depending on machine I may also have a dedicated
> project partition}.
> That the partition phase presents a menu of ~10 choices indicates the
> Debian team considers this an significant feature.
> Where would I find a discussion of why the particular items rated
> inclusion on the menu?

Do you mean this?

   ┌────────────────┤ [!!] Partition disks ├────────────────┐
   │                                                        │
   │ Mount point for this partition:                        │
   │                                                        │
   │  / - the root file system                              │
   │  /boot - static files of the boot loader               │
   │  /home - user home directories                         │
   │  /tmp - temporary files                                │
   │  /usr - static data                                    │
   │  /var - variable data                                  │
   │  /srv - data for services provided by this system      │
   │  /opt - add-on application software packages           │
   │  /usr/local - local hierarchy                          │
   │  Enter manually                                        │
   │  Do not mount it                                       │
   │                                                        │
   │     <Go Back>                                          │
   │                                                        │

What's to discuss? They're all there, those that are sensible.
Which would you consider for exclusion from this list?
Or are you suggesting they've missed one? What?

In case you're actually talking about:

   ┌───────┤ [!!] Partition disks ├───────┐
   │                                      │
   │ How to use this partition:           │
   │                                      │
   │  Ext4 journaling file system         │
   │  Ext3 journaling file system         │
   │  Ext2 file system                    │
   │  btrfs journaling file system        │
   │  JFS journaling file system          │
   │  XFS journaling file system          │
   │  FAT16 file system                   │
   │  FAT32 file system                   │
   │  swap area                           │
   │  physical volume for encryption      │
   │  physical volume for RAID            │
   │  physical volume for LVM             │
   │  do not use the partition            │
   │                                      │
   │     <Go Back>                        │
   │                                      │

then repost (but you might as well give answers as above).


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