
John Mok wrote:
> > As a quick fix on the make installer media work, how can I remake my own
> > installation ISO by recompil ing the kernel and initramfs ?
Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:
> A quick solution would not even require any recompilation
> of a kernel, since we know the kernel and ramdisk of
> an installed bullseye system does work in a Xen HVM guest.
> [...]
> I am not familiar with the process that the debian installer team
> uses to generate the installation ISOs, but if I wanted to learn
> I would start by looking at
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/CheckOut

If there are no checksums in the ISO which would cover the initially
booted kernel and the ramdisk, then you could also go the path of


This article mainly shows how to determine the necessary arguments for
the ISO 9660 producing program. Nevertheless, in
it shows some ways how to do the desired manipulations of the ISO's
file tree.

I assume that questions about the entrails of a Debian installation ISO
are best asked at debian-cd mailing list. (Although two of the experts
there happen to be also our friendly list hosts here.)

Have a nice day :)


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