Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside <deb...@polynamaude.com> writes:

> On 2021-08-19 11:12 a.m., Steve McIntyre wrote:
>> wea...@riseup.net wrote:
>>> On 16-08-2021 11:29, lou wrote:
>>>> Andrew, i thought you r moderator because you post monthly list guideline
>>>> and you speak kindly with some authority when some list user deviate
>>> By reputation, the list is unmoderated, and that's the way it used to
>>> be.
>>> It still bears the token title of an unmoderated list but, in reality, a
>>> small collective of the politically correct have placed it under their
>>> auspices to moderate it. They have all the rationale, they believe, to
>>> do so, but this is quite in contradiction with the principles of open
>>> source, so it's an interesting phenomenon to observe.
>> For the avoidance of doubt...
>> The debian-user list may be listed as "not moderated", but that just
>> means that posting is open by default. This mailing list, like all
>> Debian-hosted mailing lists, is subject to both the Debian mailing
>> list Code of Conduct and the main Debian Code of Conduct:
>> https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct
>> https://www.debian.org/code_of_conduct
>> As Andrew points out in his excellent and helpful regular posting:
>>   Inappropriate behaviour on the list may lead to warnings; repeated bad
>>   behaviour may lead to temporary or permanent bans for offenders.
>> If you're trying to label that as "politically correct" then I think
>> you may need to change your expectations. The "principles of open
>> source" do not include a free pass to be abusive to others.
> I don't know what you are trying to pass as message here. But I never
> said that open source is a pass to being abusive toward others.
> I've always pushed toward kindness and understanding as much possible.
> What I said was that as this list is "unmoderated" this means that it is
> open for posting to everyone. So yes this cause a possibility of higher
> than other list for message going off-topic.
> What I advocate and will continue to do so is going against the type of
> self appointed policing who take a pleasure of pointing others crossing
> of their interpretation of what they consider being the rules.
> There's a excellent judgement from the European High Court called the
> "TaxQuest ruling" that state the most important part of the decision is
> the motivation behind it.
> So when you simply tell a new comer "You do this wrong" and don't
> explain why then this is just not helpful and far from being what a
> welcoming community would do.
> If there's a rule of law that state "No one shall ignore the law" and
> still people seems to ignore some interpretation of the rules edict for
> our society, this also applies to this mailing list where not all the
> users read the FAQ, code of conduct and all that is related. And even if
> they did read all of this before subscribing, they'll forgot part of it
> and feel bloated.
> So if you are expecting to pass a message of the type that I'm trying to
> justify messages that you consider off-topic and making them politically
> correct. No this is not the case, even if I can do nothing for your own
> belief.
> Because in all conversation, there will always be moment where the
> simple social act of exchanging information will make us leave the main
> context and go aside. This is also what make us human being, with
> emotions and a need to socialize. Probably the ones who have a social
> life other than behind a keyboard will understand, for others then just
> hold to the belief.

As Steve did not send this mail to you, I would not take it personally.

And even though it were, Steve's message is pretty explicit, so I guess
the message he is trying to pass here is quite clear.


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