On 日, 2003-12-21 at 14:08, GCS wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 21, 2003 at 02:12:30PM -0600, Stuart Luppescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sorry for the late reply. For some reason I'm not getting mail from this
list to my main account.
> > I made the testing boot, floppy and
> > net_drivers floppies, and plan to do the main install over the net.
> Does 'testing boot' mean that you are using the Sarge floppies? It
> would be better to install a minimal Woody first, and then upgrade to
> Sarge. Sorry if I misunderstand.
I didn't think I had the disk space and memory to do an upgrade. Easier
just to install the latest version, I thought. I do need the latest
kernel because I want to put a wireless networking card in the machine
(I know -- it sounds ridiculous to want to do wireless networking in an
old computer that won't even run X) and support for the wireless card is
only in the newer kernels.
> > df tells me that shm
> > is 6.9M in size and has 4.6M free. /etc/mtab shows rootfs, but it
> > doesn't show up when I do df (?).
> You can issue 'mount', and check if /target is mounted right.
> > I cleared off 170 MB on the disk
> > before I started, so I don't think that's a problem.
> Err, does it mean that you want to install Debian over your previous
> RedHat? It's not a good idea. Anyway, 170Mb is not enough. At least
> Woody from CD uses debootstrap, which copies the basic package set into
> the target partition, and thus probably filling it up. Anyway, it would
> be better if you provide more information.
Right. I was going to run fdisk during the install and wipe everything
out, but wanted to keep a minimal system on it in case the install
didn't work. Is this possible? Do you really think I should (and CAN)
install Woody and upgrade?
Thanks for your help.
Stuart Luppescu -=- s-luppescu .at. uchicago.edu
University of Chicago -=- CCSR
才文と智奈美の父 -=- Kernel 2.4.23-ck1
I'm a fuschia bowling ball somewhere in Brittany
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