After re-installing debian via knoppix on my parents computer, and
dist-updating. I installed grub again and at the time thought it was all
configured right. 

But when it once re-started after the storm pass through the other night
what was seen on the screen was error 15 after stage 1.5. *sigh*

So I pulled out the knoppix cd and check this and that and fix the grub
menu.lst. And rebooted, no go so I then made a grub-floppy only to get
read error at stage two...

Now I'm not sure what to try next, boot is on /dev/hda1, root is at
/dev/hda3 and it did boot with lilo. The only other boot related change
I made when I installed grub was apt installing kernel 2.6.0 test 9.

Any suggestions?

-- (freelance computer support) 
You will have a long and unpleasant discussion with your supervisor.
Linux yatara 2.6.0 #2 Sun Dec 21 19:57:32 CST 2003 i686 GNU/Linux

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