On Fri, Aug 06, 2021 at 07:10:34AM +0000, Rishi wrote:
> Hope you are in good health amid this pandemic.
> I am using Debian 11 right now and I have noticed that while playing
> video/audio, I can hear sound from only one side speaker.

You have to provide more context for us to be able to hear you :)

Internal speakers? External speakers? Have you checked your hardware?
Have you checked with alternative hardware (e.g. earplugs, etc.)?

> I have installed the nonfree realtek and intel firmware and updated it
> to latest version but I am still facing that issue. 
> Is this a specific issue to the current debian 11 rc or just an in
> general issue? Please guide me.

Before even trying to find answers to your questions we need some
solid evidence that it is not a hardware problem. "Just one speaker
working" definitely sounds like one.

 - t

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