on 24 Jul 2021 16:27:23 -0400, Jim Popovitch <j...@k4vqc.com> wrote
Why isn't this on Salsa instead of a Microsoft site?
the package are dump and store at https://salsa.debian.org/debian/hw-probe by debian package maintainer, maybe the upstream author (Andrey Ponomarenko) want to centralize testcoverage report using same repo?
i have issued https://github.com/linuxhw/TestCoverage/issues/1 about the ideas of using salsa for debian testcoverage
The tool using dual license (LGPL-2.1-or-later OR BSD-4-Clause), You can choose between one of them but not sure about the testcoverage reports
-- Robbi Nespu <robbinespu AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com> D311 B5FF EEE6 0BE8 9C91 FA9E 0C81 FA30 3B3A 80BA https://robbinespu.gitlab.io | https://mstdn.social/@robbinespu