Adding this up here as a quick read: If this was installation via
debs, I'm out of the conversation. If it was about untarring [zipped
files] and you can repeatedly reproduce the issue now that you have
seen this, PLEASE don't share the package name(s) publicly. They could
be... dissected and then reconstructed for less than moral purposes.

Cindy :)

On 7/22/21, Cindy Sue Causey <> wrote:
> On 7/21/21, Tixy <> wrote:
>> On Wed, 2021-07-21 at 12:04 -0400, Frank McCormick wrote:
>>> On 2021-07-21 10:52 a.m., Kushal Kumaran wrote:
>>> frank@fedora ~$ stat /
>>>    File: /
>>>    Size: 4096            Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096 directory
>>> Device: 806h/2054d      Inode: 2           Links: 18
>>> Access: (0555/dr-xr-xr-x)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: ( 1000/ frank)
>>> Context: system_u:object_r:root_t:s0
>>> Access: 2021-07-21 10:22:56.572440309 -0400
>>> Modify: 2021-06-26 15:48:58.771330459 -0400
>>> Change: 2021-06-27 10:10:28.333447227 -0400
>>> Birth: 2021-06-11 13:38:48.000000000 -0400
>>> Looks like owned by root but access by frank ?
>>> Will chown work ?
>> Also looks like / is not writeable by root, what have you done to your
>> system?
>> Didn't you have directory permissions problems before? A quick search
>> throws up
> My apologies if my thread trimming glitched any. That thing about "/",
> were your packages e.g. deb packages or did you untar a package or a
> few?
> It's about a bug I tried to submit to Security a couple years ago. I
> got shut down, kind of a cyber hand thrown up in my face. STILL "not
> amused".
> It was about my own "/" multiple times over becoming owned by
> something else every time I untarred one particular package. The
> package would reach up two or three or so parent directories to take
> over the "/" directory.
> Cindy..... :)
> --
> Cindy-Sue Causey
> Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
> * runs with birdseed *

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