On 15/07/2021 7:40 am, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:

On 15/07/2021 6:26 am, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
Also can you find me one Linux distribution that is certified as medical
equipment for reliability ?
You can't be seriously suggesting Windows is certified for any risk of
life application!?

It has a huge spectrum of vulnerabilities and a constant stream of zero
day exploits for both the O/S and the myriad applications (Adobe and
Java, I'm looking at you in particular)

That plus real-time isn't and having your system shutting down at will
to install essential patches! No thanks.

On what planet do you live ?
Did I say Windows 10 ?

They usually use the real time version of Windows (embedded) for the
critical part of infrastructure.

There ain't no such thing as windows embedded, nor windows real time. There are a plethora of binaries probably as far back as windows 95 that have gone under the names using NT kernel or some other kernel e.g. Win-CE

Today they are using NT kernels as well as the proprietary kernel, and even a Linux kernel under the general heading of embedded or IoT. And as is they way, they then link it into azure cloud to offload some of the functionality and increase the risk profile.

To be certified (by who?) a piece of equipment with a specific configuration for a specific purpose is chosen. 'Windows' can never be certified on its own - just as 'Linux' can never be certified.

The discussion about MDs and dentists is not about equipment, it's about software they use in day to day operations. That's predominately Windows 10, either stand alone or as a front end to a remote information system.

The trend, finally, is towards remote services  and lots and lots of ECMAscript. For that chrome running on say armbian is as good as chrome running on Windows 10. The difference is the armbian version has a much higher up-time and a much lower threat profile.

In reference to phones BTW. iPhone is around 15% market share. The rest mostly Android. iPhone is dominant in legal and medical circles because its considered prestige and they have far too much spare cash.

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