On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 04:45:51PM +0200, Alexandre Garreau wrote:
>I think it is bad policy of morally judging the frustration, anger or tone 
>of people because of their oppressors.

Oppression has come a long weigh.  Apparently, in my country,  it is
considered oppressive to be a minority who leeches off of the government
and hard-working taxpayers (who, btw, have never seen a positive return on
their federal taxes) and contributing nothing to society.  Oppression
has come a long way from 1912... At least the only countries (that we know
about) with concentration camps is China and NK, but hey, genocide is not
oppressive at all in 2021.
Best regards,

Brian T

Coronavirus is a scam.
9/11 was an inside job.

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