
On 2021-06-30 5:59 a.m., to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 02:43:28PM -0400, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> [...]
>> DO NOT USE xhost + WITH ssh -X OR ssh -Y
>> That was the fucking point.
> Calm down. I understand security is close to your heart,
> but there's no need to be so vitriolic and borderline
> insulting about it.
> There are nicer ways to drive the point home that, nowadays,
> "xhost +" isn't a good idea, generally.
I was the stupid and dumb person who started talking about "the classic
way" of authentication using X11.

I am so sorry to have had the wrong idea of telling someone that
learning the "classic way" of authentication with X11 (or the old way)
would give them some knowledge of the inner working, how the client
communicate with the server and how to setup the DISPLAY variable.

My idea (pretty dumb) was that by learning this way, that person would
have the knowledge to understand if later on a there's a problem with
using SSH -X.

Another user added that "xhost +x" can be used if there's a
authentication problem. As one of the "things to try".

But as we didn't think like the chef, we we're so wrong.

So lets all think the same.

And if the person ever has problem using SSH -X then she'll come over
here and ask question, this way the chef and his follower will be able
to feel good that they helped someone.

There's a old saying that state :
"Give someone a fish, feed him for the day, teach him how to fish, feed
him for life".

That must be something that doesn't apply anymore. Everyone who doesn't
think like This Dear God is so much far from the only truth in the world
of computing science.
Make me thing about the day I was told that those people who use Gnome
(as I was told, if you use Gnome then all your problem are caused by
this cursed desktop manager, real user don't use desktop environment).
Another stupidity that goes with, whoever has a idea that is different
then mine must be bad. After all, there must be a bunch of stupid person
wasting their time packaging KDE and Gnome, even making Live image !

I wonder why does Debian offer many different Live image... Can be
everything except to leave the choice to the user...

You ask a question relating to the use of Grub and it ends-up we tell
you that "you have the wrong way of doing partition. It is bad to have
them separated for home, tmp, var, usr/local, etc. Because you do it the
old way". Sorry, I didn't ask to have a comment of my partition table
and I only shared it because I was asked to. And I didn't ask help for
this. Only on how to install Grub as a command line after debootstrap
and if I need to put my bios boot drive as a option or prepare it somehow.

To be open minded doesn't mean that you have to crack your head open. So
people seem to forget this one.

It's a easy question why people prefer Ubuntu over Debian. Not for the
quality of the software but the quality of the community. Not people who
only think about what they consider to be the "best way to do those
things" without regard to the user themselves and their need. No, they
have calculated, analyzed and this is the way.

But their only experience is not much in business themselves but only
what relate to core computer science. But in life, people don't care
much if you save them a milliseconds if your solution is a pain to use.

> Cheers
>  - t

Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside
-Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development

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