
On Tue, 29 Jun 2021 10:32:04 +0200
Linux-Fan <ma_sys...@web.de> wrote:

> I usually go for this kind of command:
>       cmp whatever.iso /dev/sr0
> If it reports "EOF on whatever.iso" its fine :)

I think this is similar to that recipe from the debianforum, only that
the latter seems to be a little more refined. I guess I could wrap those
three commands in a little script, so I can do something like:

$ check-disc whatever.iso
Checksums match, thumbs up


$ check-disc whatever.iso
Checksums mismatch, thumbs down
> > So, does anyone know about a way to verify the integrity of burned
> > audio-CDs?
> [...]
> Can you mount it and view the individual tracks as files?

I don't think audio-CDs can be mounted.

> Did you supply the .wav files exactly as they were going to be burnt
> unto the disc?
> If both is yes, might it make sense to compare the individual track
> files against your supplied sources?

The problem here might be that if the original .wav files' duration did
not match that 2352 bytes sector size (or whatever this is called :) of
the CDDA format and thus had to be padded with zeroes there will be a
difference even though the actual PCM data may be perfectly the same. Or
at least that is as I understand it :)

Thanks for the feedback, and best regards


.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

Uncontrolled power will turn even saints into savages.  And we can all
be counted on to live down to our lowest impulses.
                -- Parmen, "Plato's Stepchildren", stardate 5784.3

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