Em Seg, 2003-12-22 Ãs 13:52, Vincent Lefevre escreveu:
> For a few weeks, starting Gnome applications such as gimv had been
> very slow. For instance, starting gimv (with no options) on my 400MHz
> G4 PowerBook takes 25 seconds! A strace suggests that it takes all
> this time by loading fonts from /usr/share/texmf/fonts (I have this
> directory in /etc/fonts/local.conf since it is used by Mozilla in
> order to render MathML).

        Just guessing, but probably you have both the FontPath and the font
server defined in /etc/X11/XF86Config(-4).  Use only one.

Leandro GuimarÃes Faria Corcete Dutra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Prefeitura do MunicÃpio de SÃo Paulo dos Campos de Piratininga
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