On Tuesday 08 June 2021 18:09:34 Martin McCormick wrote:

> I did it!  It works!
>       Okay.  Here's the short story.  I read some more stuff
> about building a boot drive for another system than the one being
> used for the rescue.  In this thread were the usual tales of woe
> which I have also experienced when misusing grub such as "Oh
> #%^*! Now I've got 2 systems that won't boot."  a poster on that
> thread states:
>    I'm not a grub2 expert (sorry) but try adding --skip-fs-probe to
> your grub-install line, I have found this prevents creation of
>    /boot/grub/device.map which can cause booting to a grub prompt. I
> think that without this parameter grub-install, instead of doing what
> you tell it, thinks it is cleverer than you, and may do something
> different.
>    Another thing is to be sure you are using the right grub-install
> (i.e. for grub2 and not for original grub). This isn't a problem if
> you are inside Centos but with SystemRecoveryCD both versions are
> available and so you have to use grub2-install. I learned the hard
> way...
>    And as @wurtel pointed out (kudos), you should specify a drive not
> a partition. Grub2 installs in sector 0 of the whole disk drive, and
> this 'stub' is what runs at boot time, but it needs to know
> whereabouts on the disk it should install the files for the next stage
> of booting - this is what the --root-directory parameter is for. (I
> think.)
>    Reading man grub-install and googling I see that --root-directory
> is not really meant to be used for grub2 versions 1.99++, though it
> does work in my experience. You are meant to use --boot-directory and
> refer to the actual boot directory, so this would give you:
> grub-install /dev/sdb --skip-fs-probe
> --boot-directory=/media/new_drive/boot
> End of quote
>       I did the following:
> #!/bin/sh
> #mount the drive being repaired.  Uncomment lines as needed.
>   sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt
> cd /mnt/boot
> #installing to the mounted disk
>   sudo grub-install \
> --skip-fs-probe \
> --boot-directory=/mnt/boot/ /dev/sdd
>       When you boot your disk that starts out on /dev/sda1,
> it's the first partition, in this case, so it will be /dev/sda1
> not /dev/sdd1 .  This was quite a long thread and people were
> remarking on how it is easy to get confused and do the wrong
> thing.
>       Anyway, It booted right up and then I discovered there
> was no network.
>       The network issue was only tangentially related because
> the update-upgrade process also install some more strict and
> modified ethernet interface naming rules and eth2 just doesn't
> cut it any more.  Now, it's enp0s17 on the system that just got
> revived and enp0s18 or something similar on the system that got
> the same upgrades but is a little newer and took the tharapy much
> easier.  Everything's working again at least in the Linux world.
>       I saw this ad on TV for some product that is supposed to
> improve brain function and memory but I can never remember it's
> name.  I could use a few more IQ points and things would flow a
> little faster around here.
>       Thanks for all the help, everybody.

I've found that a small vitamin b1 in your daily pilltainer seems to 
help.  Its not magic, nothing is at 86, but it does seem to help the 

> Martin

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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