Hi Tom Thanks for your help and time. I really appreciate it. Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2021 at 3:53 AM From: "Tom Browder" <tom.brow...@gmail.com> To: "Stella Ashburne" <rewe...@gmx.com> Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org Subject: Re: How do I permanently disable unattended downloads of software/security updates?
How did you get the installation originally? Was it from a fresh install of Buster or an upgrade from 9 or older version? -Tom It was a fresh installation. I never do upgrades from Debian Stretch (a.k.a. version 9) and always choose Expert Install (without GUI). On a different topic, I noticed that you composed your email with HTML formatting. I didn't know it is allowed by Debian User Mailing List. I remember a few years ago, if one were to send an email to said mailing list, the former would never be published. At that time, all emails must be in plain text format. When did said mailing list accept emails that are HTML formatted?