Karsten M. Self wrote:

on Sun, Dec 21, 2003 at 12:05:30AM -0600, Kent West ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

Carl Fink wrote:

On Sat, Dec 20, 2003 at 07:02:22PM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can I run Windows 98 inside Linex, so when I shut down Windows I'm still
running Linex?


You can do that with LinUX, using commercial products like VMWare and
Win4Lin.  To my limited knowledge, there's no Free Software way to do
it at this time.

Bochs (http://bochs.sourceforge.net/), but last time I checked (about a year ago), it wasn't anywhere near as mature as VMWare (which works great by the way, just a little sluggishly).

Which are you saying is sluggish? VMWare or bochs?

For VMWare, that's a fair statement.  For bochs, it's grossly
overstating performance, which tends to be somewhere between glacial and

I intended the "sluggishly" to be applicable to VMWare, but now that you mention it, I do recall bochs being horribly slow; I just assumed it was because it didn't like my system.


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