On Mon, Dec 22, 2003 at 09:41:36AM -0600, Brian McGroarty wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 20, 2003 at 06:26:15AM -0500, Kevin Mark wrote:
> > Hi D-U list folks,
> > there was a recent thread about TigerDirect giving the nod to M$WINDOWS.
> > Now threre is a place to buy debian-certified (and can be preloaded with
> > debian or RH) laptops! (from LWN.net)
> > http://lwn.net/Articles/63933/
> > 
> > "LinuxCertified Announces Debian Certified Laptop
> > 
> > San Jose, Calif - December 18, 2003 - LinuxCertified, Inc. announced the
> > release of its first Debian Certified Laptop today. The LC2430 model was
> > added to the successful line of LC2000 series laptops, with
> > pre-configured
> > Debian GNU/Linux. Other LC2000 models will soon be certified with Debian
> > ...
> Sweetness.
> Anyone know if it's all done without non-free drivers as well?

I could have answered my own question:

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