
Thanks for your help and time. I really appreciate it.

> Sent: Friday, May 28, 2021 at 8:05 PM
> From: l0f...@tuta.io
> To: "Debian User" <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
> Subject: Re: How do I permanently disable unattended downloads of 
> software/security updates?
> Correction: I meant if you still have updates/upgrades, then it shouldn't be 
> because of package unattended-upgrades. So you would have to dig somewhere 
> else...

Oh my God, are you telling me that we are not done with this "whatever thing 
you may call it"? I thought I could close this matter......lol

Based on your vast experience of using Linux in general and Debian in 
particular, can you think of any other packages or files that could download 
software and security updates silently in the background?

Best regards.

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