On Mi, 26 mai 21, 05:08:52, Polyna-Maude Racicot-Summerside wrote:
> I am planning to open a user group, with forums, place to share picture
> and tips, video chat server (Jitsi or something alike) and more.
> So this is a call to anyone interested.
> I am not limiting to photograph using Debian but caring for people using
> opensource software at large, with preferred operating system of Linux.

What is the state of photo editing software available on Linux?

My (admittedly dated) information is that while GIMP is "ok-ish", one 
still needs Adobe Photoshop (and/or Lightroom?) for anything "serious" 
(whatever that means).

Of the three persons I know that are serious about photography two are 
using Windows and the other macOS.

The two Windows users are technically inclined power users and have used 
Linux (or still do) for other purposes. As far as I know they didn't 
find it very useful for photography.

(the macOS user is generally quite happy with it and the Apple ecosystem 
in general, and is unlikely to even consider changing)

Kind regards,

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