In short; I had the same problem, caused by the same thing (libjavaplugin). I had downloaded the java from Sun's pages. Problem solved when I, instead, apt-got the java-package from the following source:
# Blackdown Java 1.4.1-01, gcc3.2-compiled i386 release. deb ./ deb-src ./
..And linked the plugin to firebird-plugins.
After that, it worked. (The page works for me. Didn't login though.)
h: Kristian
Anthony Campbell wrote:
I've been using java (j2re1.4.2_01) for some time without problems on
mozilla-firebird 0.7. Today it crashed repeatedly when accessing a
particular site (the Telegraph newspaper web page) and finally it became
impossible to run firebird at all. I reinstalled it; no luck. I
therefore fetched the tarball and unpacked that in /usr/local. After much messing about I found that the basic problem was the link to
the java library
I therefore fetched the most recent version of java (03) and tried that, but the results were the same. If there is a link to either the ns610 or the ns610-gcc32 version of the library, firebird refuses to run.
Has anyone seen anything similar? I can't understand why the problem has appeared suddenly, since I had not altered either firebird or java.
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