Hi again I have tried the "G" option and its still got
some packages which it stats will be removed etc.. is
there any other way i can fix dselect ?

 --- Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On
Sat, Dec 20, 2003 at 07:31:07PM +1100, Medi
> Esmail wrote:
> > HI all, I was wondering if i can recover from a
> mistake i did using
> > dselect, I was choosing the new kernel package and
> when it came up
> > with dependencies i found some packages i had were
> removed etc any way
> > i made some changes and went to the main menu of
> dselect and chose
> > install at which point it came up with X number of
> packages were going
> > to be removed etc and installed etc... at that
> point i wanted to
> > backout and I chose No, so im back at my main
> menu.
> > What I want to do now is revert all my selections
> and not go ahead
> > with the new install and want the selection to go
> back to normal as it
> > was before I selected anything.
> There's no one-shot way to do this in dselect at the
> moment. I filed a
> bug report a while back (#151540) with a patch to
> implement a
> single-keystroke command to do this, but to my
> annoyance it's been
> largely ignored.
> In the meantime, your best bet is to move the cursor
> onto each of the
> "Updated packages (newer version is available)", "Up
> to date installed
> packages", and "Available packages (not currently
> installed)" headers in
> turn and use the 'G' (that's shift-g, "unhold")
> command on each. You may
> have to repeat this a few times.
> > I tried going into the /var/lib/dpkg directory and
> copied over
> > status-old over the status..
> I'm not sure what this will have done.
> > Please any help would be highly appreciated (im a
> relativly new user
> > and dont want to reinstall unless there is no
> other option).
> You should definitely not need to reinstall.
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Colin Watson                                 
> -- 
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