The Wanderer wrote: > One possible difference is that the ones I've looked at > (admittedly nowhere near all of them) seem to expect the > input to be in some other format, to be translated into HTML > etc., rather than letting you write the HTML etc. > directly and doing [whatever other things] with the result. > For example, the package description for pelican (which you > suggested earlier) says that it requires its input to be in > Markdown or rST. > > In a case where you've already written the HTML et cetera > and want to continue to do so, these generators don't seem > to be applicable to the input form which you have available > and want to continue to use.
Yes, that's exactly it, thank you! But, I was thinking, aren't there tools to do the generator or builder? How does that work, you write a syntax grammar and feed it to yacc? -- underground experts united