On Thu, 6 May 2021 davidson wrote:
To that end, I can occasionally do something like
$ ls -Rp | less
and make a point of examining the first couple of things that look
This misses out dotfiles.
So when I look for what I'm missing out on, and do...
$ shopt -s globstar
$ ls /etc/**/.[^.]*
It now occurs to me that this still omits files like /etc/.a and
$ ls /etc/**/.{.?,[^.]}*
does what I intend, which is to display all dotfiles under /etc. Seems
unduly complicated if you ask me, but it is what it is.
I can feel it coming on: Someone is going to tell me to just use find.
Talk about unduly complicated! And I don't want to.
...then I find
* /etc/.pwd.lock, clearly an exception to the /etc profile above
* various ".placeholder" files, also clear exceptions
* model (eponymous) home directory config files under /etc/skel
* some ".depends.*" files in /etc/init.d/ which are not init scripts
Ce qui est important est rarement urgent
et ce qui est urgent est rarement important
-- Dwight David Eisenhower