On Sb, 01 mai 21, 14:57:28, Marco Möller wrote:
> Hello,
> Do we have for Debian some statistics about who (companies, institutions,
> universities, private volunteers, ...) are contributing to Debian, i.e. as
> package maintainers, admins, maybe Debian specific code programmers, and
> alike? I found the list of the Debian Developers, but this is only names not
> indicating which company (money) might be behind the names. Maybe this is
> summarized in a statistics about funding or sponsoring or supporters of the
> Debian project?

There's also



> I recently saw statistics about who contributes to the Linux kernel (private
> volunteers summarized as a group vs the 20 most lines of code contributing
> companies by their name), which kind of shows its independence (or not) from
> singular commercial players and am now curious if there is some alike data
> about Debian available.

Many (most?) contributions are in a personal capacity, regardless of the 
employer. As far as I know there is no requirement to disclose 
affiliation or even use the company e-mail address when contributing on 
behalf of an employer.

Kind regards,

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