El mar, 27 abr 2021 a las 2:45, Andrei POPESCU
(<andreimpope...@gmail.com>) escribió:
> On Lu, 26 apr 21, 22:16:34, Cmdte Alpha Tigre Z wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > I saw at the Debian Lists' archive
> > that my attached files were not
> > shown as attached (as in the
> > BTS archive), but instead as inserted
> > into the body of the message.
> This is just how the archive software shows them, they arrived as
> separate attachments here.

Ok, thanks for that.

> > Is there some other way to attach
> > the files correctly?
> > Would it work and could I send the
> > attachments with HTML?
> What problem are you trying to solve?

Well, I intentionally wrote the script with Unix-style LF line endings.
I don't know if "ash" from Busybox will complain or do something
weird if it finds CR LF line endings instead.  I just wanted to avoid

On the other hand, as Mr. Davidson said, it is not very clear
where do one file starts and where do it ends.  In the tutorial,
I refer to them as attached files; but people reading the tutorial
through the archive won't see any "attached file".  If I knew this would
happen, I would rather have put some ---HEADERS--- and
---FOOTERS--- to the files.  It is good to know that they were
correctly sent through email.

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