On Sat, Dec 20, 2003 at 09:19:19AM -0500, michelle wrote:
> Colin Watson wrote:
> > Remember that you need to link with -lm in order to call mathematical
> > functions like sqrt().
> Thanks, that's it.
> After re-running, the fprintf went away as well. (That must have been 
> linker garbage due to 100 previous errors.)
> I'm down to one error now. The linker can't find fstat. I can change it to 
> a system("stat") and all goes well, but where's fstat? Doing a grep in /lib 
> and /usr/lib gave me some references, but the fstat error doesn't go away 
> even with all of them linked in.

Can I see the code and the exact error message, please? It's difficult
to debug this kind of thing with just summaries of the problem.

My guess, though, is that you haven't #include'd all the headers listed
in the fstat(2) man page. fstat() is in libc, which gcc will link by


Colin Watson                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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