Celejar writes:

On Fri, 9 Apr 2021 20:48:01 +0300
Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Vi, 09 apr 21, 08:02:46, Celejar wrote:
> > What about cases where the software simply isn't in Debian at all?
> > Recently, I've used IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio, and I'd like to
> > set up an OwnCloud server when I get a chance. These, and many other
> > complex / fast-changing applications aren't in Debian, but are
> > available in containerized app formats.


Have the packages I'm interested in not been in unstable because
potential maintainers knew they couldn't make it into stable (and now
that there's fasttrack, they'll get into unstable), or is there some
other reason they can't be in unstable (and hence can't make it to
fasttrack either)?

I do not know it for the excact packages you mentioned but to me it seems quite plausible that there are modern open source applications which cannot be easily included in Debian (not even in unstable). AFAICT it boils down to the fact that some of that applications' build processes do not meet Debian's high quality standards (formally: Debian Policy).

See, for instance:

* https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2020/04/msg01281.html


* https://lwn.net/Articles/842319/

* https://xkcd.com/2347/

I do not think that the solution to these issues has been found yet -- they run quite deeply and affect (at least) multiple Linux distributions.




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