On Fri, Apr 09, 2021 at 08:02:46AM -0400, Celejar wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Apr 2021 09:21:49 +0200
> <to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:


> > Can you pose one concrete use case where it is unavoidable?
> What about cases where the software simply isn't in Debian at all?
> Recently, I've used IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio [...]

I see. I'm more of an Emacs guy, so I lack some experience in
that department, I admit.

> and I'd like to
> set up an OwnCloud server when I get a chance.

Why not NextCloud? It seems that it is there where the action is
taking place these days.

> These, and many other
> complex / fast-changing applications aren't in Debian, but are
> available in containerized app formats.

Yes, fast-changing is a bad match for the "classical distro" model.

I still love the classical distro model: a stable base which doesn't
move too quickly (and thus doesn't require much of my attention),
which is well-vetted by maintainers (*thank you so much*), and a
couple of apps I particularly care about which I do build myself
from time to time.

I understand that my "model" won't be everyone's, though.

That's why I asked for other people's experiences.

 - t

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