Hello everybody out there!

On 2021/04/06 at 01:53 am, Paul Johnson wrote:
> There's nothing user-unfriendly about .debs.  They just don't want to
> maintain their software and are looking for a "fire and forget"
> solution.  I can't see this as anything but a bad thing, something the
> world can live without.

        Well, I do not like the way Ubuntu uses snaps, but there are some good
reasons to use something like snaps or flatpacks.

        Even with a less careful procedure to integrate and  update packages
than the one of Debian (which I like), create a new package and update
one take some time. There are several examples when a user needs a bug
fix or some functionality that packages in distributions do not provide.
In such a case, without snaps or flatpacks, the user has to compile the
program, which need some technical skills and can be sometimes really
tricky. Appimages are less interesting, as you have to update them manually.

        Use parsimoniously, packages like snaps or flatpacks are something very
useful, which improve user experience even for power users. The problem
with Ubuntu is it uses way too much snaps and I do not think it is a
matter of laziness.

        Best regards.

Diaspora* : yleb...@framasphere.org

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