On Sun 28 Mar 2021 at 18:49:04 (-0400), songbird wrote:
> David Wright wrote:
> ...
> > Perhaps   man systemd.mount   and its references might help.
>   no help from those that makes sense to me.  :(
> > I wasn't aware that *just* editing /etc/fstab would do this,
> > but perhaps MATE has set a watch on the file?
>   saving it kicks off a reload of it from systemd, but i'm
> not sure where the actual configuration or lever is there to
> turn this off.
>   maybe gio/gconf/gsettings stuff which i hate almost as much
> as MS registry editing.  just a horrible interface and design
> decision IMO.  which is why i have spent so little time in the
> past digging into it and why i don't know much about it even
> now other than it is there and i hate it.  haha...  :)
>   thanks, not sure i'm going to make any more headway on this
> for the moment.

I can only make two further suggestions:

Copy fstab to fstab.new and edit that, which allows frequent saves
without side-effects. Then copy the new over the old when ready.

If you're adding devices, include nofail in the options, in case
you make a mistake.


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