That could well be what happened. We did have an electrician out here a
few days before this happened for a completely different problem with
the room next to where the computer is. It may have been that for all I
know. Anyway it is fixed and so is the new computer. Again thanks for
all the help.
On 3/28/21 7:02 PM, Nicholas Geovanis wrote:
Hi Maureen there was a flap a few years back about exploding
capacitors on motherboards. But that can also be caused by power
surges or misbehaving AC sources. You have a UPS so it filters the
line power at least a bit, maybe hopefully. GDay
On Sun, Mar 28, 2021, 4:46 PM Maureen L Thomas <
<>> wrote:
So I opened up the machine to take out the old hard drive and
found that two spots on the motherboard with burnt looking. So I
got a new computer and all is back up and working. I am on an ups
box so I don't understand how this happened. Any way
Thank you for all your helping this old lady.
On 3/27/21 6:05 AM, Nicholas Geovanis wrote:
If you have a spare hard drive, at this point I would swap it in
and reinstall. See how that goes.
On Sat, Mar 27, 2021, 2:02 AM Maureen L Thomas
< <>> wrote:
So I did download your suggestion and it worked. It went all
the way
through re-install with no problems. On booting for the
first time I
got the message fsckd-cancel-msg: Press ctrl+C to cancel all
checks in progrees. Well it freezes and nothing is
happening. It just
stay that way indefinitely. No file checks and unable to use
does not work. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
On 3/26/21 1:22 AM, Charles Curley wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Mar 2021 19:59:04 -0400
> Maureen L Thomas <
<>> wrote:
>> So I decided to re-install debian 10.
>> While doing so I get to the part about the entering the
needed rtl
>> files which I have on DVD and on USB. I tried both but
neither of
>> them would work. I cannot get it to even come up to a
command line
>> to do dmesg and see what the real problem may be.
> I take it that by "rtl files" you mean RealTek firmware
blobs for
> RealTek devices.
> What I found was that Bullseye (Debian 11) wants the
firmware .deb
> package, not the extracted firmware files. This may or may
not work on
> Buster (Debian 10). Also it wants the file in the root
directory of the
> USB device.
> You may be able to install without them if you don't need
the interface
> they support to install. You would need some other
interface either
> during installation, or shortly after installation to bring the
> firmware package in.
> Probably the easiest option: you might try the unofficial
> installation images. Depending on your requirements, you
should be able
> to drill down from this page: