On 19.03.2021 07:07, Robbi Nespu wrote:
On Thu, 18 Mar 2021 23:06:31 +0500 "Alexander V. Makartsev" <avbe...@gmail.com> wrote:
Partitions mounted with 'errors=remount-ro' option will be remounted as read-only automatically, if a kernel detects an error. I suggest you to dig a little deeper, because there is a possibility a hardware problem is the source of inconsistency error. You need to provide us with more information about your OS setup and hardware.
Output from these commands should be a good start:
    $ cat /etc/fstab
    $ sudo blkid
    $ sudo smartctl -iHA /dev/sda
    $ sudo smartctl -iHA /dev/sdb

"smartctl" is a tool from "smartmontools" package.
The output will be long, so you can post it at "https://paste.debian.net/"; with reasonable expiration date and send us just a link to it.

OK here comes the output:

  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   200 200   140    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0032   200   200   000    Old_age Always       -       10
Raw values of these two SMART attributes should always be a 0 on a 100% healthy drive.
Currently there are 10 sectors marked as faulty by drive's firmware.
There is a possibility there are more, but not marked, since they were not accessed yet by the drive. You can scan whole surface of a drive to be sure there are only those 10 and they won't increase over time. Scanning process could be destructive to a data on the drive, so before you perform surface scans make sure you've backed up all valuable data and stored it on another drive.

To perform surface scans you can use SMART short and long scans, and also a program called "badblocks" from the package "e2fsprogs".
Be sure to unmount "/dev/sda1" before performing the scans.
Short scan (a minute or so):
    $ sudo smartctl --test=short /dev/sda
Long scan (could take hours):
    $ sudo smartctl --test=long /dev/sda
To get status and results:
    $ sudo smartctl --log=selftest /dev/sda
Both tests should finish with "Completed without error" result.

Check out man page for "badblocks" for more information.
There are 3 options, read-only test, non-destructive read-write test and destructive write test.
Usualy a non-destructive read-only test is sufficient:
    $ sudo badblocks -s /dev/sda
A non-destructive read-write test will be checking both read and write operations on scanned sectors, so it is more risky to the data on the drive:
    $ sudo badblocks -n -s /dev/sda

If a bad sector is encountered during testing a drive could "freeze" to redo reading on a faulty sector, give it a time to recover and continue. Once again, make sure you've backed up all valuable data and stored it on another drive before testing and tell us how it went.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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