On Du, 14 mar 21, 15:17:39, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> The original plan/claims was that the support for legacy i386
> application would be "just as fast".  This never materialized
> (unsurprisingly: it's easy to make a CPU that can run efficiency several
> slightly different instruction sets (ISA), like your average amd64 CPU which
> can run applications using the amd64 ISA, the i386 ISA, the 80286 ISA
> or the 8086 ISA, more or less; but it's much harder to make a CPU that
> can run efficiently very different ISAs).

Apple seems to be doing quite well with the M1. Apparently it has a few 
custom instructions to speed up x86 emulation. They also have the 
benefit of controlling the software and now also the hardware stack.

There's already work in progress to port Linux mainline (and 
consequently Debian) to the Apple M1 :)

Kind regards,

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