deloptes wrote:
> > "wipefs -t btrfs -f -a /dev/nvme1n1" did the job.
> > 
> > Still wondering where those labels are stored on disk in Linux.
> > 
> FS Superblock? 

Well, the FS (btrfs in this case) was not there already, but the magic
label was still there somewhere.

> > In FreeBSD, GEOM(4) usually keeps such stuff in the last sector of a
> > volume/device.
> I think it depends on the FS not on the OS.

As I said, the FS had already been replaced by another FS. 

I would usually wipe the first several MB of a disk with dd when I
change filesystems or disk partitioning schemes, but this
one was already in production.

> if search engines are not working where you live, I think this is a good
> howto (just found it among the top 10hits in duckduckgo)

Well, to search Duckduckgo for wipefs, you need to know about wipefs :-)
I found it from reading man blkid and lsblk, after that the information
from wipefs(8) turned out sufficient (and the howto above did not add
any new knowledge).

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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