On Thursday, March 11, 2021 07:30:02 AM Brian wrote:
> On Thu 11 Mar 2021 at 07:59:27 -0400, Cmdte Alpha Tigre Z wrote:
> > Brian (<a...@cityscape.co.uk>) wrote:
> > > Please would you not remove the attribution when you quote a mail?
> > 
> > Sure.  Like this?  Or should I leave the date and hour too?
> Thanks; much better. Personally, I would add the date and hour,
> but that could be regarded as a matter of style.

I would suggest that you leave the date and hour, also, please.  If I want to 
find the original email which might have more context, that is very helpful.

Aside: You (Cmdte Alpha Tigre Z) obviously know how (in the gmail browser 
client) to display the previous text which will be quoted, but for people that 
may not know:

When you click reply in that gmail browser client, you don't see the previous 
text, but, near the bottom of the textbox (on the right side), there are three 
dots (bigger than a period) in an ellipse.  If you click on those, the 
previous text is displayed, and you can delete text or intermix your comments 
as desired.

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