On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 02:39:14AM +0300, IL Ka wrote:
> By the way: some people use bare window managers instead of full-fledged
> desktop environments.

"Bare" is such a mean word.  I call them traditional window managers.

> > Some window managers (like TWM) can run on 8MB of RAM:). The smallest one
> is called CWM (created by OpenBSD).
> https://packages.debian.org/buster/cwm
> but it is for these old UNIX gurus who never leave the command line, not
> for regular users.

I wouldn't recommend twm specifically, but there's nothing wrong with
using a traditional window manager, even if you're not a "guru".  Some
of the people here may want to give it a try, especially the ones who
are concerned about memory usage on older hardware.

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