If Debian can't detect your network card, I suggest using Debian DVD iso to install Debian, and then deal with the network card. https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-dvd/ You need "debian-10.8.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso". It can be used to install Debian without a network connection.
You do not need to provide a proxy. Just leave this field blank. After successful installation, check that you can log into your system, and google "<your card name> + Debian" or check this wiki: https://wiki.debian.org/WiFi You can also write the name of this card to this list: someone may be able to help you. On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 3:06 AM M.R.P. zensky <wintermute2...@icloud.com> wrote: > Hello I have successfully installed ubuntu linux on my system but I want > to use Debian. I download the iso file from their home page. One problem > that I am having is the Debian install menu asks for if I use a network > card. I don’t I use home based wifi which I don’t see an option for this. > The other problem is that it asks for a proxy for adding a repository. I > don’t know what to do with this either. How do you connect Debian to my > home wifi? >