On Tue, Feb 16, 2021 at 11:29:54AM +0200, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Ma, 16 feb 21, 16:37:20, Kevin Shell wrote:
> > Hello Debian Users.
> > 
> > Why Debian does't have a switchable MTA mechanism
> > to allow install multiple MTAs at the same time?
> Why do you need this?

For convenience when one evaluating or learning
between multiple MTAs etc.

> > Fedora, Centos etc. allow users to install multiple MTAs at the same 
> > multiple MTAs at the same time.
> > There's a "alternatives --config mta" command
> > to allow to choose between alternative MTA.
> Installing and removing/purging packages has traditionally been very 
> easy in Debian, 

removing/purging one MTA & reinstalling another MTA in the above 
situation is unnecessary and inconvenient.

>such a mechanism would have limited benefits for 
> significant added complexity.
Is this a difficult task?
Isn't Debian already has a /etc/alternatives/ mechanism?


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