Is there an alternative if you want an incremental backup?

Obviously you could use tar-ed archives with unprivileged permissions. If you 
did, you would get a huge network overhead.


Toni Mas
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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
En dissabte 13 de febrer de 2021 a les 13:50, didier gaumet 
<> va escriure:

> Hello,

> Disclaimer: I do not use and am not familiar with Sinology hardware and
> software and generally speaking, I am not knowledgeable in networking

> I would say that:

> -   the owner:group names of a file on the PC you backup and the
>     owner:group names of the backup files on the synology files might be
>     different, even if you try to maintain ownership and rights. What really
>     counts here are owner:group identifiers (UID:GID). Bob_user:Bob_group on
>     your PC might equate to Alice_user:John_group on your NAS. Upon
>     restoration that would be reversed to Bob_user:Bob_group.
>     That would be typical without something like a LDAP server.

> -   SSH root login seems to be discouraged for security reasons. Sinology
>     probably adhere to this principle and the appropriate way to do what you
>     want would probably be to access a shell on the Synology software to
>     issue a sudo or su -c command.

> -   editing /etc/sudoers is generally done via the visudo command
> -   if that is of interest to you, there is a way to install Debian in
>     chroot on your NAS

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