David Christensen <dpchr...@holgerdanske.com> writes:

> On 2021-01-21 21:06, Pankaj Jangid wrote:
>> I am setting up one (or may be two) home-office servers. I have 6 ATI
>> Radian RX580 graphics cards that are lying in cold storage. I used them
>> a couple of years back to experiment with various crypto-mining
>> technologies.
> Several manufacturers produced graphics cards with that name.  What is
> the make and model?  Support URL?
> What is the model of the PSU?  Support URL?

The ones that I have are manufactured by MSI. Radian RX 580 Gaming X
8G. Exactly this one,


> I would start by putting one GPU in a PC and figuring out the software
> (libraries, tools) and workflow required to do HPC/ GPU computing
> using Debian.  Please let us know what you discover.

Definitely. I’ll share as I proceed. I like this approach of putting
just one card first and figuring out things.

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