
On Tue, Jan 19, 2021 at 12:47:34PM +0000, mick crane wrote:
> I see that you can get a single network card with 2, 3, 4 connections.

They call them "ports" usually. Such things exist for a long time in a
server world, but are infrequent in consumer one.

> Can you happily make each one on a separate private address block ?

Yes, it's definitely possible - from IP stack point of view each port is
a different network interface.

It'll unlikely be efficient (compared to a managed switch, that is) if
your plan is to use such card as a router - after all you'll need to
copy all the packets to the kernel and back, and that takes time.
But it still going to beat more common DIY combo of two/three USB-Ethernets.


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