I mean complete implementation of social network via email. I'm aware of news groups. What I however mean is full decentralized implementation of Facebook like social network via email.
Depopopularization of news groups is also because of advent of social media. Facebook group is simialiar to news group and you give it with your Facebook account. I have been thinking of open source social networks like diaspora or mastodont. What was blocker in my case is that sever node is also part of account login name. If server is out of service you need to create another account on different server from scratch. Acctually the same is for email provider if you do not have your own domain for email. But if group of people have DNS domain for email then you do not need to match server-account pair. For example I have my own domain and I can switch email provider, so I could switch provider of social network server. In fact as URL is not only email aware you could also use for example phone as identifier of your account and provide resolving of phone number to social network server. Sincerely, Marek Mosiewicz W dniu sob, 09.01.2021 o godzinie 16∶13 +0000, użytkownik Larry Dighera napisał: > Sir, > > Are you suggesting that the usenet be re-invented? :-( > > Usenet is a decentralized e-mail based network system of > communication consieved around the time that ARPANET was initiated > ('70s) that has no central administrative body, and thus cannot be > suppressed. Because of this inherent inability to monetize it, ISPs > dropped bundling usenet as part of their subscriber services about a > decade ago, similar to Verizon's dropping Yahoo Groups December 15, > 2020. You may be familiar with Google Groups that carries a free > usenet feed. > > Today, usenet still exists albeit a skeleton of its former > incarnation. There are free News Network Transfer Protocol (NNTP) > servers available such as nntp.aioe.org and free-usenet.com, and > paid servers like news.giganews.com. There are free news reading > clients such as Thunderbird and Forte Agent, and the venerable rn for > *nix platforms. > > So, what you seek has existed for decades, and is still viable as a > forum for free speech as it always has been. > > Here's a clue: https://www.google.com/search?client=none&q=usenet > > Best regards, > Larry Dighera > > > > > On Saturday, January 9, 2021, 6:27:08 AM PST, Marek Mosiewicz > <marek.mosiew...@jotel.com.pl> wrote: > > In case commercial social networks will not protect freedom of speach > [sic] > there is always option to use mailing lists. > > In fact I can imagine Twitter or Facebook as web based mail client > which aggregates urls for messages publicated on anywhere in Web. > > Everbody who observes somebody will receive email with link to > message. > Likes and comments are also mails (the can even be signed). > > Webserver which serves given message will receive like and comment > mails and presnet it. Yo can see source of mail e.g for like AND > verify > that like was realy given by ckecking GPG signature of sender. > > > Cheers, > Marek Mosiewicz > http://marekmosiewicz.pl > >